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Pizza Mania


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Cheesy pizza

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Capsicum Pizza

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Onion Pizza

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Non-Veg Loaded

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Pepper BarbequeChicken

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Non-Veg Pizza

Pepper Barbecue & Onion

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Chicken Golden Delight

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Chicken Fiesta

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Pepper Barbeque Chicken

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Chicken Sausage

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Non Veg Supreme

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Indi Chicken Tikka

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Keema Do Pyaza

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Moroccan Spice Pasta Pizza - Non Veg

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Double cheese marghherita

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Fresh veggie Pizza

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Farm house

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Peppy Paneer

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Mexican Greenwave

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Veggie Paradise

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Indi Tandoori Panner

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Paneer Makhani

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Achari do Pyaza

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Cheese and corn Pizza

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Cheese and Tomato

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Moroccan Spice Pasta Pizza - Veg

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About us

Launched in 2021, Our technology platform connects customers,
restaurant partners and delivery partners, serving their multiple needs.
Customers use our platform to search and discover restaurants, read and write customer generated reviews and view and upload photos,
order food delivery, book a table and make payments while dining-out at restaurants. On the other hand,
we provide restaurant partners with industry-specific marketing tools which enable them to engage and acquire customers
to grow their business while also providing a reliable
and efficient last mile delivery service. We also operate a one-stop procurement solution,
Hyperpure, which supplies high quality ingredients and kitchen products to restaurant partners.
We also provide our delivery partners with transparent and flexible earning opportunities.